A Call for Life-and-Work Accommodation in Ljubljana

Avtor: slovenci Datum: 2905 dni nazaj.

In accordance with their program, the Rudi Šeligo Foundation is publishing a call for the co-financing of accommodation in a residence situated in Ljubljana.

The residence is located in the center of Ljubljana, in the famous Kozolec building which was designed by architect Edo Mihevc and represents one of the most important 20th century architectural objects in Slovenia. The main reason behind its construction remains unknown to this date.

The intended use of the residence was enabled by its founder, architect Aleš Šeligo.

The residence accommodation is intended for Slovenian emigrants and their descendants who have been forced to leave their homeland due to economic, political or other reasons and who have led a quality art career, be it amateur or professional.

The accommodation is possible between 1 October 2016 and 31 March 2017 and lasts for a minimum of two weeks. Six people can be accommodated at the same time and the costs of living are co-financed by the Rudi Šeligo Foundation.

While living in the residence, the selected candidates or groups must develop a certain artistic project that will – with its content – somehow present the Slovenian culture and art as one of their basic links to the homeland.

Additional information about the call and the submission of applications at the foundation’s e-mail address: info@rudiseligo.si. Applications will be possible until all the dates are taken.



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