Europeana portal hosting ten Slovenian artworks

Avtor: slovenci Datum: 2977 dni nazaj.

Brussels - Ten Slovenian artworks by acclaimed authors from the Middle Ages to the mid-20th century are displayed on the portal of Europeana, the EU's digital heritage platform, this week.

The artworks include Arcadian Landscape with Antique Ruins and with Young Man Killing a Snake (1810) by Franc Kavčič, Pompeian Banquet (1962) by Marij Pregelj, The Triumph of Flora (1965) by Gabrijel Stupica, Veno Pilon's portrait of Štefka Batič (1923), The Card Player II by the Dutch painter Almanach (1600), and a statue of St. Mary from the Gothic period.

The Slovenian selection for the Europeana digital web platform promoting artworks from member states was made by the Culture Ministry together with the National Gallery and the Museum of Modern Art. The works are displayed the home-page of the Europeana project as part of the Slovenian week.



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