Public Calls for Tenders by the Government’s Office for Slovenians Abroad in 2017

Avtor: slovenci Datum: 2875 dni nazaj.

On the basis of the Act Regulating Relations between the Republic of Slovenia and Slovenians Abroad (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 43/06, 76/10) and the Act Regulating Implementation of Financial Support for Preservation and Development of Slovenian Identity Abroad (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 139/06, 32/16), the Government's Office for Slovenians Abroad has on 4 November 2016 published:

-          Public call for tenders – Area A in 2017: Financial support to an autonomous Slovenian national minority in one of the neighboring countries;

-          Public call for tenders – Area B in 2017: Financial support for Slovenians across the globe.

The documentation for both public calls (the application form, instructions for application, conditions and criteria for the allocation of funds, instructions for filling out the application form, a sample contract, and the report form) is available on the Government’s Office for Slovenians Abroad website at

Those interested can also obtain the call documentation at the Government’s Office for Slovenians Abroad at Erjavčeva 15, 1000 Ljubljana (each day from 9 AM to 2 PM) and at any of the Diplomatic and Consular Missions of the Republic of Slovenia during their office hours.

  1. Public Call for Tenders – Area A in 2017: Financial support to an autonomous Slovenian national minority in one of the neighboring countries

The approximate amount of funds intended for the co-financing of programs and projects by autonomous national minorities in the bordering countries in 2017 amounts to 6.100,000 EUR.

Any natural or legal person from abroad, individual, institution, association, organization, or business entity working in the field of integration of and cooperation with the members of the Slovenian minorities can apply.

The due date for the submission of applications is 28 November 2016.

The applicants can submit their applications to one of the locations listed below.

Applicants from the Austrian Carinthia may send their applications via mail or submit them in person at the headquarters of the Association of Carinthian Slovenians (SKS), Neuer Platz, A-9020 Klagenfurt, Austria.

Applicants from the Austria Styria may send their applications via mail or submit them in person to the Government’s Office for Slovenians Abroad, Erjavčeva 15, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Applicants from the Republic of Croatia may send their applications via mail or submit them in person at the headquarters of the Union of Slovenian Associations in Croatia, Masarykova 13/I, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.

Applicants from the Republic of Hungary may send their applications via mail or submit them in person at the headquarters of the Association of Slovenians in Hungary, Gárdonyi u. 1, 9970 Szentgotthárd, Hungary.

Applicants from the Republic of Slovenia may send their applications via mail or submit them in person to the Government’s Office for Slovenians Abroad, Erjavčeva 15, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Umbrella organizations from the neighboring countries (Union of Slovenian Organizations in Carinthia, National Council of Carinthian Slovenians, Association of Carinthian Slovenians, Council of Slovenian Organizations, Slovenian Cultural and Economic Association, Union of Slovenian Associations in Croatia, Association of Slovenians in Hungary) may send their applications via mail or submit them personally to the Government’s Office for Slovenians Abroad, Erjavčeva 15, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.

  1. Public Call for Tenders – Area B in 2017: Financial support for Slovenians abroad

The approximate amount of funds intended for the co-financing of programs and projects by Slovenians abroad in 2017 amounts to 700,000 EUR.

Any natural or legal person from abroad, individual, institution, association, organization, or business entity working in the field of integration of and cooperation with Slovenians living across the globe can apply.

The due date for the submission of applications is 5 December 2016.

Applications can be sent via mail or submitted in person to the Government’s Office for Slovenians Abroad, Erjavčeva 15, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.



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