Two Homelands Issue No. 46
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The new issue of the slovenian scientific journal on migration studies Dve domovini / Two Homelands is available on
- JAKA REPIČ: The Impact of Mobilities on Visual Arts in the Slovenian Diaspora in Argentina
- NADIA MOLEK: “Songs from the homeland” – popular music performance among descendants of Slovenian refugees in Argentina: The case of “Slovenski Instrumentalni Ansambel”
- ALENKA BARTULOVIĆ, MIHA KOZOROG: Gender and Music-Making in Exile: Female Bosnian Refugee Musicians in Slovenia
- JUAN ESTEBAN DE JAGER, NADIA MOLEK, AMALIA PEREZ MOLEK, JUAN CARLOS RADOVICH: Representations of Memories through Art: The Artistic Work of Zdravko Dučmelić in Argentina
- KRISTINA TOPLAK: Artists’ mobility in the EU: Between Opportunities and Impediments
- CODRINA CSESZNEK, FLORENTINA SCâRNECI DOMNIşORU: Ethnographic Reflections of Return Migration in a Romanian Rural Community
- MITJA DURNIK: Slovenian Immigrants and the Ethnic Economy in Contemporary Canada
- JANEZ MALAČIČ: Migrant Crisis and Migration Policy in Europe: From Demographic Imbalances and Political Turmoil to the Increasing Migration Stream
- MEGI ROŽIČ: A Complex Linguistic Identity as a Consequence of Migration in the Literary Works of Brina Svit and Eva Hoffman
- MITJA VELIKONJA: “Yugoslavia After Yugoslavia”: Graffiti About the Former Homeland in the New Post-Yugoslav Homelands
- MATEJA KROFL: Islam, Transnational Dress and Identity: Migration of Images, Transformation of Meanings
- LUCIE MACKOVA: Book Review - Elizabeth Mavroudi and Caroline Nagel, Global Migration: Patterns, Processes, and Politics (Lucie Mackova)
- ROZINA ŠVENT: Book Review - Alojzij Geržinič, Od Save do Srebrne reke Mladika, Trst, 2015; Pavle Borštnik, Moj čas Mladika, Trst, 2016