Minister Gorazd Žmavc in Argentina

Avtor: slovenci Datum: 2827 dni nazaj.

Upon his arrival at Buenos Aires on 19 October 2016, Gorazd Žmavc, the Minister for Slovenians Abroad, had three meetings. Herman Zupan, the most prominent Slovenian businessman in Argentina and former Honorary Consul General in Argentina for the Republic of Slovenia, held a reception for the minister in his Interpack factory. 


The minister discussed the possibility of improvements with Tjaša Lorbek, a Slovenian language lecturer in Buenos Aires, the Argentine capital – currently, there are approximately one hundred people enrolled in the Slovenian language course, mostly descendants of Slovenian immigrants who came to Argentina between the two world wars, and also some Slovenian language teachers who teach in Slovenian Saturday schools.

The most current topic, however, is the Triglav Slovenian Club which was established through a merging of three smaller clubs and funded by the community of Slovenian pre-war immigrants who mostly came from the Slovenian Littoral. As the members are aging, the club is facing a membership deficit and is consequently increasingly difficult to maintain.



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