Clug’s Radio and Juliet ballet goes to Rome

Avtor: slovenci Datum: 3133 dni nazaj.

Rome - Radio and Juliet, a ballet by acclaimed Slovenian choreographer Edward Clug, will appear on Monday and Wednesday in Rome, Italy with the cast of the Maribor Ballet.

Maribor, Slovensko narodno gledalisce Maribor. Novinarska konferenca pred premiero predstave "Hommage a Stravinsky". Koreograf Edward Clug. Foto: Andreja Sersen Dobaj/STA

 Foto: Andreja Sersen Dobaj/STA

The production, which is to be performed at the famous Italian Teatro Brancaccio theatre, is based on Shakespeare's famous love tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, which Clug twists with the music of alternative rock band Radiohead, hence the play's name.
Radio and Juliet contrasts tender love with the cold mechanised contemporary world. The music and minimalistic movements intensify the feeling of despair, alienation, and loneliness, creating a violent atmosphere and hastening the passage of time, according to Maribor's SNG theatre.
The play premiered in April 2005 and impressed both viewers from home and countries all over the world, including Belgium, France, Israel, Brazil, and the US.Romanian-born Clug (1973) is the artistic director of the Maribor Ballet, which boasts with the highest number of appearances abroad in the history of Slovenian ballet, according to the Maribor SNG.
His career in Slovenia began in 1991, when he joined the theatre as principal dancer. Since 2003 he has been running the ballet house and has gained local as well as international acclaim for his work in choreography, beginning with his first full-length ballet Peer Gynt. He has received many awards for his choreographies. (STA)



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